What are rules?
Rules are laws.
Why do we always need rules?
Definitely, you know why and I don't need to explain it!
How to spell rules?
Type r, u, l, e , s!
How to pronounce it?
Enough of crapping, LOL! Below are the list of rules, read every single words carefully, thoroughly!
- No pornographic material in the forum.
- Do not simply flame a person for no reason, warning will be given to the flamer.
- Do not create two accounts. This is very unnecessary.
- Strictly no spamming, (eg: XDD, LOL!!!!, wahaa this is my 1st post) such posts will be deleted with/without prior notice.
- Please post your messages only once. The repetitions are unpleasant and useless!
- Please make an effort on grammar and spelling. SMS-style language (eg: wat r u doing?) is not advised!
- Respect moderators at all times.
Thank you for your effort for reading it.
Enjoy your stay, have fun!
~ K33 Admin ~